Lucky 33

Today, October 28th, seemed like every other Monday.

I woke up, hit snooze 4 times, and finally rolled into the shower. Finding my energy in my pumpkin coffee, I arrived in the office to work my 8 hours. A friend was in town on business trip and we went out to grab a quick lunch (nothing fancy – Lion’s Choice) between meetings.

This afternoon I coordinated a tour of the Salvation Army Veteran’s Residence downtown.

This evening, I worked out at CrossFit 314.

Tonight, I made protein pumpkin pancakes and had a glass of Malbec wine while listening to the St. Louis Cardinals play in World Series Game 5 on KMOX radio.


What set today apart from other days???  I was showered with love and birthday wishes from all my friends and family. I enjoy hearing from all of them and wish that I had more time in the day to keep in touch with each and every one of them on a more frequent basis.

Since G had to work today, we did much of my celebrations yesterday.

Although we refilled the fridge (pre vacation emptiness on the left, post shopping trips on the right!)

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The night ended with Ted Drewes Pumpkin Pie Custard.

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Proceeded by Chicago-style deep dish pizza (cheese, meat, crust… on top of more cheese meat and crust!).



We worked up our hunger at the shooting range. This was the first time I’ve shot this pistol and I think I did alright. 

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Good shooting’ Tex.


PS – I think our puppies missed us…they have to be ‘touching’ us at all times… 

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crossfit happy hour and gyros

happy friday!! what a great short week. it only feels like wednesday… usually it’s the other way around.

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 it’s the first weekend of the new year, how are you celebrating?

tonight gregg and i went to 5pm crossfit class. yes, that was our happy hour equivalent. i looked up the wod before signing up for class…several times in fact… i was a bit intimidated by it. but i remembered, i’m not going to get any better at things i don’t do! 

of course, it probably goes without saying, but i was so happy i went.

i’m learning so much as crossfit. but two most important things:

1) i can’t count, nor do math

2) i have no sense of time (one minute can feel like an eternity)


{see what i did there, that should have been three things!}

after class gregg and i decided to have gyros for dinner. i’ve been having some anxiety about adding anything back into my diet. i almost feel guilty, nervous, or even scared. i know that’s not healthy to be fearful of eating, so i tell myself i’ll only eat it if it tastes good. and if it makes me feel bad i’ll stop.


i had one french fry and no more. it didn’t taste good. i didn’t try the pita bread. so that left the chicken, tzatziki sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion. 

i know the chicken is very processed (considering this is what it looks lie)

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and the sauce….. well, i have no idea what’s in it. 

overall the food tasted pretty good. not as good as i once remembered though. and while i’m not in pain (like i was after frozen custard) i do not feel great. some of it could be my mind games. or perhaps its the food. we’ll see how i feel tomorrow.

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i probably also need to re-read the reintroduction chapter of it starts with food because i know i’m not doing it right.


Wedding Season!

Ladies & Gents – we have now officially entered St Louis Wedding Season! Are you ready for this?!

This past weekend we celebrated two dear friends of mine – joined in holy matrimony. Kristi & Brian. They’re an awesome couple.

2010 – U2 Concert (They’d been engaged less than 24 hrs)

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2011 – Lady Gaga Concert

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Kristi and I met several years ago while going to grad school at Wash U. For a few years, I probably saw Kristi more than I saw my hubby. 

Kristi asked me to be in her wedding and I was delighted!! 

Since I was in the wedding I got lots of “pre-wedding” pics (documenting the hours & hours that go into making us girls beautiful) but didn’t get many from the actual ceremony or reception. I have a few still on my camera and I’ll try to do a transfer and recap soon.

I woke up Sunday morning with SEVEN blisters on my feet … courtesy of the bridesmaids shoes. I also had dye all over them. but I won’t go into that tirade. Let me just say… avoid getting shoes dyed at the Sunset Hills David’s Bridal shop. (They will hear my wrath soon enough).

Since I didn’t run (at ALL) last week… and I’m one month out from the Halloween 10k… These blisters have me even more stressed out than normal.

Tonight I focused on doing some YogAmazing – for Healthy Knees. It felt good to be barefoot and stretch out the legs. I seriously need to log some miles on these feet of mine though.

On a positive note, I noticed this weekend that stairs are getting easier!! It’s the small victories!


PS – I hope ALL The weddings have a Prop Photo Booth!


hop on the bandwagon

i’m running around today, lots on the agenda.

today there are two parties to attend… one of my best friend’s baby girl turned one last week. they live in chicago but they’re in the lou this weekend so we can spoil the little girl.
tonight… night time swimming!! the pool we belong to (same one gregg lifeguarded at for years and years) is turning fifty! 

before all the fun begins, i must do my responsible house cleaning and such. 

i love listening to music while i clean. 

i love listening to pop music while i clean.

i love this song.

i love the cover of this song!

everyone’s listening to some version of this song… so i share with you…please do enjoy.


Life can be pretty stressful sometimes…

And when I start to stress out, I head to Tumblr or any other random website for goofy pictures. For the most part, animals, especially dogs, make me the happiest.

So if you are stressing… enjoy these photos.

If you aren’t stressing… share your tips with me! PLEASE!


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