Crossfit Open 16.2

Like I mentioned last time, my gym is doing the open workouts in Friday night. I opted to do 16.2 on Saturday morning. 

This worked much bettee for me, personally. I was more rested and ready to give a little bit more. Which I nneeded mentally to fight the dreaded double Unders. 


Buying another 4 minute time block every time you complete the clean ladder. For Rx women the cleans started 15@85#, 13@115#, 11@145#…..and went up from there.

I told my friend Nikki that I would be happy to make it to the 115# bc the double Unders would get me. After seeing some of the other girls in my gym get past the 115# and even some got all the way back to 145# clean! I really began to question my abilities. 

First round of toes to bar, i followed a strategy of many and did singles from a box. Shaking my hands out every 5. This almost felt like cheating it was so easy. But it worked an entirely different group of muscles and kept my heart rate in check. 

First set of DU I planned to do in two sets of 25. A miss count between me and my judge said I broke at 23.

Cleans at 85#… Consistent with many others I did them on singles. Just get right back on the bar. 

I completed within 3ish mins and banked an extra minute for the next round. 

T2B – unchanged except I shook out brethren 3-5 reps. 

DU-WHEELS fell off. They were so incredibly frustrating. I wasted a lot of time trying to collect myself. Eventually I finished but I only had less than 1 minute to do my cleans. 

I was wiped out from the du and 115# has never felt so heavy. In the end I got 5 cleans in 50 seconds. And time ran out. 

Unless I completely bomb a workout, I am not retesting this year. So… I must accept that as my score and move on. 

Like every year, the open gives me a renewed sense to work on my weaknesses! 

Current standings: 

7/37: CF314 girls

21/71: CF314 

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